
Knowledge vs Educational

An educated might not be well knowledgable. As well as, a person with good knowledge may not be educated. One should possess good knowledge than being educated. An uneducated individual can hit a victory with his/her superior knowledge. The education is predominant for the gate of qualification. One can gain knowledge through education which depends on their utilization of the opportunity. The opportunity of education should be utilized properly to gain knowledge and it helps flying out with colors in life. Continuous learning and experience help you to gain further knowledge. In case of an issue, the issue should be analyzed and the solution should be made using learning, education, experience and knowledge gained. One can stable their learning by sharing and enlightening others.


ENCOURAGEMENT Encouragement plays a vital key for one's success. We should be one of the reason for one's success instead of being a reason for their failure.  If someone is trying hard to succeed in achieving their goal but because of some problem/reason they may fail and quit doing it. At times our powerful boosting words  encourage them to try further and to achieve their goal in a short span of time. Even if we couldn't support one physically/financially, we should support them by our energetic words. While the same time one shouldn't forget one's help to them at their critical situations. 😊 Do Encourage and Be Encouraged 😊